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HTML - Tags & Elements

query_builder | Christopher Pisani

HTML documents contains a group of sections to build a website. These sections are called elements. Elements are composed of a starting tag, such as <body>, and an end tag, such as </body>. By looking at the image below, you can follow more easily.

Elements structure

Elements are placed within elements, taking for example the following, <div>, <a>, <span>, <article>,<section>, <main>, <header>, <footer>, <aside>, they can be used as a container to store other elements and data, but every element should be used according to specification.

All elements in HTML, play an important role in a website, and they will reflect how search engines read the information, to improve search results ranking. Read carefully on each element, what it is used for, to have a well presented website.

A working example of an article :
The right way of using elements for this article :

Understanding nested elements

Elements should never cross other elements. An element should always stay inside an element. See the below examples to understand better.

The correct way of nesting elements :
The wrong way of nesting elements :

Note: For a full list of tags in html5, and what each do, can be found under the menu HTML >> HTML Tags